Audiobooks The Shadow on the Earth Front MatterChapter 1 - BrokenChapter 2 - The Cripple and the AtheistChapter 3 - The Monastery GardenChapter 4 - Brother Anselm and the OptimistChapter 5 - A Cry From the DepthsChapter 6 - The Village in the MountainsChapter 7 - Brother Anselm and the PessimistChapter 8 - The Major at the MonasteryChapter 9 - Brother Anselm and the AtheistChapter 10 - A Thing That Had To Be DoneChapter 11 - The Major Needs a TonicChapter 12 - The Cripple DecidesChapter 13 - The Atheist KnowsChapter 14 - The Cripple TestedChapter 15 - The Major is MystifiedChapter 16 - The Cripple's Vision The Masterful Monk Coming Soon!